ocean perch lives near the sea floor close to land at depths of
100-400 metres or at mid depths further out. It delivers 5-7
millimetres long living offsprings, 37-350 thousands at the time.
The males reach puberty in the autumn, when mating occurs. The
eggs are mature in February-March the year after, which means, that
the sperm is stored by the females until then. Hatching takes
4-6 weeks and the fries are born in April-May. Vast spawning
grounds are to be found between Greenland and Iceland and it is highly
likely, that the fries feed and grow up on the East Greenland shelf.
Most fishery biologists are of the opinion, that the ocean perch grows
very slowly and does not reach puberty until it is about 15 years old
(35-40 centimetres long). Thus the catch should be based on many
generations of 10-25 years old fishes. It is very difficult to
tag this species and therefore it has not been easy to study its
migrations and behavior.
There are probably several live stocks to be found, i.e. in the Barent
Sea, off East Greenland, and Newfoundland. Deep sea rose fish (Sebastes mentella) is
a special breed of this species, which some scientists refer to as a
separate species. Younger ocean perch feed mainly off plankton,
crustaceans, and fish fries. The older ones prefer herring and
Ocean perch is mainly caught in trawl nets and the annual catch in the
North Atlantic was about half a million tonnes up to the turn of the
20th century. The processing was mainly filetting, and the liver
is very rich in vitamins. |